LifePath Systems Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services offers a variety of supports to individuals with intellectual disabilities.


Some of the services that LifePath Systems offers are:

Service Coordination

LifePath Systems provides you with a Service Coordinator to help you determine and manage the various services available to you. Your Service Coordinator is your single point of contact for all the various LifePath programs you can utilize. The Service Coordinator provides assistance in developing an individualized plan of services, including prioritization of services, identification of providers, budget development and plan monitoring throughout the year.

County Support Grant

You may be eligible for local program that provides you and your family with support in your home environment. The County Support Grant provides funds to Collin County residents with mental retardation, autism or pervasive developmental disorders. Qualified individuals are eligible to receive a maximum of $2,500 per fiscal year to purchase a service or item directly related to their cognitive disability.

Examples of allowable expenses include:

Respite care services

Home care services

Counseling and training services

Therapies including OT, PT, Speech, ABA

Community Supports

Your Service Coordinator will work with you to plan and prioritize the services and supports you need to live successfully in the community.

Examples of these services include but are not limited to:

Respite care

Community access

Skills training

Behavioral supports

Day program

These services are provided through an individual budget with a maximum of $3,500 annually.

LifePath Systems Community Support

General Revenue External Services Progress Note (Respite)

General Revenue External Service Progress Note (Community Supports)

Supported Employment

Meaningful employment is an important part of each person’s life. Our Supported Employment program helps you find real work in a community setting – matching your interests, skills, strengths and choices with a job. Through the assistance of LifePath Systems Supported Employment staff, capable, talented people with disabilities have the same employment opportunities as anyone else.

Residential and Home and Community Services (HCS) Program

LifePath Systems has two six bed group homes in Plano, one for women and one for men. These programs are funded through the Medicaid Intermediate Care Facilities (ICF-MR) program.

You may also participate in Home Community Services (HCS) Medicaid waiver programs through LifePath Systems. In order to access this valuable service, you must already have an HCS slot.

For further information about LifePath Systems services for individuals with intellectual disabilities, please contact them at (972) 727-9133.

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